Keno is One of the Most Popular Lotteries in Modern Online Casinos


Baji Live

Lotteries at Baji Live Online Casino – an Opportunity to Hit a Very Big Jackpot 

When it comes to lotteries, the first thing that comes to mind are two names – bingo and keno. The first gambling game is more common, but keno is steadily increasing in popularity. At online casino Baji Live users are available several variants of keno, which will give players not only pleasure, but also the opportunity to win a large amount of money and even hit the jackpot. In this review, we will tell you about the basic rules of keno and how to increase your chances of winning in this exciting and gambling lottery.

Origins of the Game and Its Current State

Keno is considered one of the oldest gambling games. It appeared back in ancient China, but then it was known by the name, which translates from the Cantonese dialect as ‘wing of the white pigeon’. This name is due to the fact that the lottery draws were held in the capital, and the final results were delivered to other towns and villages by carrier pigeons. This lottery was so successful that, according to historical documents, the Great Wall of China was built with the proceeds from the lottery.

World recognition and widespread use of keno only in the 19th century, when together with Chinese settlers its rules came to the United States. The only significant change made to the classic version is the replacement of the unique non-repeating characters that were on the tickets originally, with the usual Arabic numbers.

Today, many countries have offline lotteries, and keno can also be played online at many online casinos, including Baji Live BD.

Keno Rules

Before taking part in the draw, users need to fill out a game ticket. It is a special card with numbers from 1 to 80 on it. In the classic version of keno players can choose from 1 to 20 numbers, but in various modifications of this lottery can be a little different options.

It is up to users to decide how many numbers to choose when playing keno at Baji Live. The potential chances of winning and the payouts that can be received depend on this choice.
In both offline keno and Baji Live BD live casino, the result of the game is determined manually.

The dealer extracts balls from a transparent box, on which the winning numbers are indicated. In total there are 20 such balls. In online keno everything is much simpler. The result is determined immediately with the help of a random number generator.

Payouts in Keno

The specific coefficient by which the bet amount will be multiplied in case of a successful outcome is determined by a complex mathematical formula and depends on the version of keno that users play in Baji Live. There is no point in listing all possible variants, so we will focus only on the main principles on which the calculation of winnings is based.

You can win a jackpot if you choose 20 numbers out of 80 and guess them all. It is clear that the probability of this is very small, but in case of luck, the winnings will amount to six zeros. The easiest way is to choose one number, but in this case, even if you guess it, you won’t win much.

But even for one number, the probability of guessing it correctly is only 25%. You should take this into account and not overestimate your chances of winning keno at Baji Live.

How to Increase Your Chances of Winning at Keno

It is mathematically proven that for a potentially profitable long distance keno game at Baji Live BD, it is best to choose between 4 and 8 numbers for each draw. You can not count on the jackpot with this approach, but in the case of some luck, you can often win relatively small amounts and eventually significantly increase your game bank.

In general, the style of playing keno for each Baji Live user will be individual. Risk-averse players will choose a lot of numbers, aiming to get as much maximum winnings as possible in a single draw. Less temperamental users will select as few numbers as possible, wanting to stay in the game longer and expecting to make a profit over the distance.

It is important to remember that keno is a game of pure chance, and you can not influence the results of the draw.Therefore, play moderately, do not risk money that you cannot afford to lose. Playing keno in Baji Live BD should be treated as a gambling entertainment, an opportunity to tickle your nerves and experience the adrenaline rush.

In no case should you perceive keno as a way to get rich quickly and even more so as a source of permanent stable income – it will not lead to anything good. In the best case, you will simply lose money, and in the worst case you will get psychological problems, which will then be quite difficult to resolve.

With the right approach to keno this lottery can bring a lot of positive emotions and bright impressions. Therefore, we advise you to play in demo mode first, and then if you want to bet real money on your lucky numbers in Baji Live. To date, there is not a single case when someone guessed 20 out of 20 numbers while playing keno. Perhaps you are destined to be the lucky one and write your name in history forever.


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